Once infamous as the home of the Medellin Cartel, Medellin, Colombia has become the epicenter of a cultural renaissance throughout all of Colombia, and a beacon for all of Latin America. Visit Medellin, a green city dotted with countless parks, cathedrals, theaters, museums and shopping--from typical markets to the most modern malls. Tied together with a clean, modern and efficient public transit system, Medellin was named the most innovative city in the world by the Wall Street Journal, and has only continued to improve since then.
Alive with colorful and vibrant festivals and celebrations throughout the year which highlight the joyful and famously welcoming culture of the Paisa people, Medellin is renowned for its distinctive metropolitan style as a hub of fashion, gastronomy, music, art and culture. The array of local dishes is only outnumbered by the immense variety of fresh fruits, vegetables and exotic flowers, many of which are found nowhere else but here.
Living in Medellin means enjoying the festival of flowers in the city of eternal spring, with warm sun, blue skies, cool breezes and perfect weather all year round.